This is my brand new blog! Don't expect to find anything witty, insightful or even remotely interesting though. The details of my life are quite inconsequential.
Location: Fountain Valley, California, United States
Who am I? Programmer by day, husband by night. I'm a sucker for video games, I love pen-and-paper role-playing games, I was an avid reader in my youth, but regretfully don't have the time to read that I once did. My free time is pretty scarce, but I'm confident I can make time to write at least one new story every week or two.
I'm on the low end of 30, I live in sunny California, I have 2 cats, a dog and a rat.
Hahaha, I was wondering if anyone was actually going to get that. Good to see that my random movie reference didn't go unnoticed :D
Foxpaw, at 4:30 PM
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