This Old Apartment
So the ceiling in my apartment has sprung a leak. Apparently all the rain has just been too much and it's started soaking through. I called the leasing office Monday afternoon and they assured me that fixing the leaks is their top priority and that the roofers would be out on Tuesday. Tuesday afternoon around 5:45 I'm talking to my girlfriend, who's at home, and ask her if they fixed the ceiling. Nope, still leaking Tuesday afternoon. I call the leasing office and tell them that my ceiling is still leaking. They assure me that fixing leaks is their top priority and that someone will be out today to fix my leak. Well sometime during the night it stopped dripping, I'm assuming it ran out of water because I get up at 7am and I'm sure they didn't have anybody up there working on it that early. So now I don't get to find out if it's still leaking or not until it rains again. Yay! I guess that's what I get for moving into the cheapest one bedroom apartment I could find.
The picture is of the bowl full of water that I collected just yesterday. There was already one bowl full that was collected on Monday that had to be dumped out. This is the biggest mixing bowl that I have too, it holds a lot of water. Hooray for buildings built in the '70s :/
The picture is of the bowl full of water that I collected just yesterday. There was already one bowl full that was collected on Monday that had to be dumped out. This is the biggest mixing bowl that I have too, it holds a lot of water. Hooray for buildings built in the '70s :/
My dad's apartments would have been cheaper and he would have taken care of it...:P
A, at 1:26 PM
Yeah but the timing wasn't right, he didn't have anything available when I needed it. Let me know if he has anything that might be available in the next few months though because as soon as this lease is up, we're moving.
Foxpaw, at 2:38 PM
he has something in the middle of this month...when is your lease up?
A, at 3:56 PM
I just signed a new 6 month lease a month or two ago, so not for another 4 or 5 months.
Foxpaw, at 4:18 PM
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