Wedding Bells
As most of you know, but some of you don't, me and my girlfriend of 1.5 years decided just a couple weeks ago to run off to Las Vegas and get married. Yes, to each other. It was all very spur of the moment, and because we didn't end up telling people until the day before we left we weren't able to get a whole lot of people to go. My sister and her boyfriend were the only two that did, and I'm glad. Our original idea had really been not to tell anyone, just go do it. Then we decided to tell our parents, so our siblings found out. Then we figured we might as well just tell people and see if we could get anyone to go. Sadly none of my friends or her friends were able to make it, but that's alright. We're actually still planning on having a big wedding with all the fixings that we promise we'll plan in advance so everyone can go to it. No excuses this time! The official date of the nuptials was Feb. 19th. It was a short ceremony in a little "chapel" (actually just a room all dressed up) in downtown Las Vegas. Apparently the same place that Nikki Hilton and Dave Chappelle got married (though not to each other). Mirella looked absolutely GORGEOUS! We're still waiting for pictures to arrive as my camera was on macro for the few pictures that were taken and they came out blurry. Once I get some good pictures I'll put them up for all to see. So there you have it. I'm off the market ladies, and glad to be.
There, I fixed your triple posting booboo Jon :P Thanks for the congratulations, and I'll keep your advice in mind. The minister that presided over our ceremony had some good advice too. He said "Many people will tell you to walk your path together. You shouldn't walk your path together. You should dance your path together". I thought that was pretty cool.
Foxpaw, at 5:18 PM
congratulations you two. :D
mileena, at 11:14 AM
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