Gawd, that title makes it sound like I'm leaving forever. I'm such a drama queen.
This weekend is going to be my last weekend in California for a while, so it's going to be busy with get-togethers, dinners, and parties. I'd never really realized it before but I have 4 different groups of friends, and I'm getting together with each group at some point over the weekend.
Group 1 - Old School Friends
In both meanings of the term. Friends from High School, and old friends that I've known for years. I'm getting together with these friends on Friday night. (If you read my blog and you didn't know this, then email me and I'll fill you in).
Group 2 - Dojo Friends
Fellow students and teachers from USSD Lake Forest. One of the students is throwing a party in my honor on Saturday night. There will be much drinking from what I undertand. I dunno how much drinking I'll be doing since I have to finish getting everything ready for the move that weekend also.
Group 3 - Offroad Friends
The guys from Dirty World Offroad Club are getting together on Sunday afternoon/evening to see me off. We're going to be hanging out at Dave & Buster's and there's supposed to be much drinking and probably much playing of games. Again, not sure I'm going to be doing much drinking here since it's the day before I leave and I don't think starting the trip off with a hangover is too wise.
Group 4 - Work Friends
This one only half counts since it's really just a lunchtime get together, but I feel more important including them in the list because it brings my total group count up to 4.
Considering we still need to finish packing up the last minute stuff (stuff we're still using) it's going to be a really busy weekend.
5 days and counting...